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Our Sabbats

Please refer to the Archives for content from previous years

Yule 2024

Raven led our beautiful Yule/Winter Solstice Ritual.  We decorated the Yule Tree, sang songs, exchanged gifts, and sent our wishes for Peace, Joy, and Love out into the world.



Samhain 2024

Cheyenne led our Samhain ritual, we honoured our ancestors and journeyed to the Underworld to visit with dear ones.  




Mabon 2024

Rose performed our beautiful Mabon Ritual - we did a very profound and healing meditation.



Lammas 2024

Rosemary led our Lammas/Lughnasadh ritual where we honoured the Celtic Goddess Danu and the God Lugh.  We gave thanks for the harvest and abundance from the Earth and brought our 

corn dollies to await their "wedding" at Imbolc.  We forgot to take photos of the altar but here is a photo of the corn dollies!

Litha 2024

 Freya led our beautiful Litha Ritual.  The Oak King and the Holly King had their battle and the Holly King emerged victorious, our enactment had  a drummer and an especially helpful Maiden as well.  There was a treasure hunt and we made Moon Water  under the Full Moon.  


Beltane 2024

  We welcomed 4 guests to our Beltane Ritual and danced around the Maypole.  We also had fun making decorations, and making merry!!

Ostara 2024

Rosemary led our Ostara ritual where we consecrated our decorated eggs and buried them as a gift to  Mother Earth.    We were so happy to have Freya back from her travels, and we did an Attunement

to strengthen our bonds of sisterhood.







Rowan led a beautiful Imbolc ritual to honour Brigid, the Goddess of Fire.  At this time of awakening and renewal, we cleansed our Covenstead and consecrated our Sabbat candles for the coming year.



Yule 2023

Cheyenne led us in a beautiful Yule meditation and ritual.  We exchanged gifts and Merry Parted till next year!

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year, and a magical 2024!





Rose's Croning




Samhain 2023

We honoured our Ancestors at our Samhain ritual.

Mabon 2023



Rowan presided over our Mabon Sabbat - we had a short but sweet ritual in the Grove and then a wonderful dinner together. 

Lammas 2023 


Raven presided over our Lammas ritual where we gave thanks for the bounty of the Earth and blessed our corn dollies.




Litha 2023

Freya presided over our Litha Sabbat where we sang as we planted sunflower seeds.  The Holly King won his battle with the Oak King and the cycle continues...


Beltane 2023


Ostara 2023


Imbolc 2023





This is the seasonal change where the first signs of Spring and the return of the sun are noted.  The first sprouting of leaves, the sprouting of the crocus flowers, etc.  In other words, it is the festival commemorating the successful passing of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Crone to Maiden.


It is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring. It is the day we honour the rebirth of the Sun, and we may

visualize the baby sun nursing from the Goddess's breast.

It is also a day of celebrating the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Brigid is the Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Midwifery. If you can

make it with your hands, Brigid rules it. She is a triple Goddess, so we honour her in all her aspects. This is a time for communing with

her, and tending the lighting of her sacred flame.

At this time of year, we light multiple candles, white for Brigid, for the god usually yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of winter

and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun.

This is a good time for initiations, be they into covens or self-initiations.