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Ostara Prayers and Blessings

Spring Equinox

  By Ivy 


We celebrate the Spring Equinox
We gather our coven with care
We’ll cast the sacred circle with rocks-
though the earth is no longer bare.
We dance on green grass-
We praise the sky blue…
We thank the God/dess for what each has,
and dance in the morning dew.

We see the Mother’s soft tints
laid lightly on the earth,
though these are but little hints
of the wonders of rebirth.

We finish our Spring-time rites
and close the circle down,
knowing we have reached new heights
our love and joy abound.

I’ll honor the God/dess in my heart,
and always remember when-
merry we’d meet, merry we’d part,
and merry we’d meet again!

Submitted by Willow




Ostara Blessing

Author: Tricia Danby



May Ostara bring joy and easiness into your lives,
May her fertility be passed over to you
and may your dreams, ideas, wishes, plans ripen and bear new fruits.

May the loveliness of spring open your hearts and may you understand the beauty of being and take it in.

Full of strength and new energy you shall walk into the brightness of the awakening spring and you shall leave the darkness of the past time behind.

Let go all former burdens and get rid of the ballast still hindering you.
Free and with new strength your feet shall carry you towards dawn.

May Ostara bless you all!

Submitted by Willow


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