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Faerie Potions



Faerie Fire Anointing Oil
 Do Not Ingest!

 1 garnet
 1 dram almond oil
 1 dram dragon's blood
 coriander seeds
 Warm all ingredients in an enamel pan on low heat. Allow to cool and  place in a clear, white or aqua-coloured bottle.
Source: Unknown


Faerie Enchantment Oil

10 Parts Rose Oil
5 Parts Thyme Oil
1 Part Evening Primrose Oil

Source: Unknown

Faery Magick Oil

1/4 Oz Almond Oil
11 Drops Violet Oil
10 Drops Gardenia Oil
7 Drops Lemon Grass Oil
7 Drops Lemon Oil
7 Drops Rose Geranium Oil
7 Drops Jasmine Oil
7 Drops Ylang Ylang Oil
5 Drops Lavender Oil
Jasmine Flowers
Violet Flowers

Useful for working with Faery Magick. Wear it on Midsummer's Eve to increase chances of Faery encounters.

Source: Unknown


Midsummer Night's Dream Incense

    2 Tbsp Sandalwood
    2 tsp Lavender
    2 tsp Mugwort
    2 tsp Chamomile
    1 tsp Thyme
    1 tsp Benzoin

Source: Rowan Morgana


Autumnal Faerie Mix Incense

    1 oz. Juniper berries
    1 oz. Rosemary needles
    1 oz. Frankincense powder
    ½ oz. Valerian root
    10 drops rosewood essential oil,
5 drops myrrh essential oil,
5 drops lavender essential oil.

This makes a really intense, woodsy mix that appeals to those of the Fairy Kingdom. Place mixture, without grinding the mix, in an airtight glass jar, mixing very well. The longer it’s stored, the more it improves! Sprinkle carefully on a lit charcoal disc and enjoy.

Source: Moonslipper

 Faerie Wine
 1/2 cups of milk per serving
 1 tsp. honey
 1/8th tsp. vanilla extract
 Warm milk, being careful not to boil. To each glass or mug add honey and
 vanilla. Sprinkle tops with cinnamon.

source: unknown
Faerie Dust Potion
 To draw out the bliss inherent in our nature, create your own "fairy
 dust." This potion may be used to anoint magickal tools, amulets and
 candles for spelling happiness. It also makes a wonderful gift.
 This special celebration of magick requires an extensive list of ingredients
 -A clear, pink, amethyst, or iridescent glass vial or bottle
  (Note: Hand-Blown Egyptian bottles are nice for this)
 -A small piece of polished rose quartz
 -Pieces of mica
 -A fresh flower blossom, small enough to fit in the opening of your chosen
 flask (pixie carnations and sweetheart rose buds are fitting choices, a
 small lavender bud is tiny, too.)
 -Charms of fairy, butterfly, star forms
 -Pink or rainbow-hued ribbon (holographic ribbon works nicely)
 -Small bells or a chiming sphere
 -A quartz or lead crystal point
 -A piece of parchment
 -Silver and gold ink
 -A pink candle
 -A small bottle of jojoba for the potion base
 -All or any of these oils to blend: Benzoin, Geranium, Jasmine, Neroli
 and Ylang-Ylang
 Listen for the sound of children's laughter as you pursue this quest, it
 is the most powerful fairy enchantment of all.
 During the waxing Moon, light the pink candle and set it to burn. Create
 a pleasing essential blend from the oils you have selected. Mix the
 blend with enough jojoba to fill your chosen vessel. Don't skimp. The
 essence should be strong.
 Crumble the mica into fine pieces. Add them to the
 jojoba. If you have chosen a clear vial or bottle, you may wish to give
 it a pale tint of pink. Tint the jojoba before mixing it with the
 essential oils. You may do this with a trace of red food coloring.
 Fill the vial with the jojoba, essential blend and mica particles. On
 the parchment, trace a circle with silver ink. Next draw four
 semi-circles, evenly spaced around, overlapping the first circle at the
 four cardinal points, to form four crescents, with the ends of the
 semi-circles pointing away from the center. This represents the full
 moon and her four quarters. It is recognized as the Icelandic Wishing Rune.
 Picture yourself in an enraptured state of bliss, surrounded by flowers.
 Your heart feels as light as a butterfly on the wing. With this feeling,
 draw in gold ink, the rune, "Wunjo.  
Roll the parchment tightly and seal it with a short tie of ribbon and a
 drop of pink wax. Add the following to your potion in this order: the
 rose quartz, the flower blossom and parchment scroll. Stopper the bottle
 and seal it with a generous amount of pink wax. You want to do this by
 melting a pool of wax in a container only slightly larger than the top
 of the bottle. Invert the bottle and fully immerse the area of the
 opening in the melted wax. You will need to work quickly, unless you
 have a brazier or something to keep it warm. (If you're using a bottle
 with a stopper, such as the Egyptian style bottles, just drop the wax
 evenly between the space of the stopper and the bottle.) Finish by tying
 with ribbon and fastening the charm(s), the crystal and the bells to the
 knot or bow.

Source: Unknown