Imbolc Rituals
Imbolc Ritual
Items Needed:
Ritual Broom
Magick Wand
Two White Taper Candles on the Altar one for the Goddess and one for the God
12 votives or tea lights arranged in a spiral on the Altar
Imbolc is the festival of the Maiden Goddess of the Dawn and the Inner Fire. It is a festival of light celebrating and encouraging the newly born Sun to grow ever stronger and brighter.
Begin this Ritual by cleansing your Circle with a Ritual Broom.
Begin sweeping widdershins (counterclockwise) and circle your space three times. You may chant:
“I cleanse this space…I cleanse this space…I cleanse this space…”
Then turn and begin sweeping deosil (clockwise) with your broom and circle your space three times. You may chant
“I Bless this space…I Bless this space… I Bless this space…”
With your Athame pointing outwards begin Casting your Circle starting in the East and moving deosil (clockwise).
Envision a beam of light shooting from the tip of your Athame to the outer edge of your Magick Circle as you begin to walk around the Circle three times, imagine the beam of light drawing a boundary of light around the Circle's edge. You may chant:
"Around, around, around about:
All good come in, all ill keep out!
The Circle is now cast.
Next invoke the Quarters beginning in the East. With a Wand (or your finger) face the East, raise your wand up to the sky imagining a column of pure strong light filled with energy. Say:
Spirits of the East, of new beginnings and inspiration, Spirits of Air, Sylphs, I invoke you, come, join us!
Next move to the South. Again, raise your wand and say:
Spirits of the South, of fertility and manifestation, Spirits of Fire, Salamanders, I invoke you, come, join us!
Next move to the West. Raise your wand and say:
Spirits of the West, of transformation and emotion, Spirits of Water, Nymphs, I invoke you, come, join us!
Next move to the North. Raise your wand and say:
Spirits of the North, of healing and grounding, Spirits of Earth, Gnomes, I invoke you, come, join us!
Return to the Altar and light the Goddess Candle, say:
Maiden, mistress of new beginnings, of Lady of purity and youth. Your gentle hand will lead us into Spring. We welcome you into our Circle.
Light the God candle and say:
Gentle Lord of the Rising Sun, of love and beauty. Your reborn fire shall bring us warmth. We welcome you into our Circle.
Imbolc is a Feast of Light, the celebration of the returning light of the waxing Sun. It's a time of growth and creativity, of rebirth and renewal. Under the blanket of snow, new life has begun to stir. By ritually lighting the 12 candles on your Altar you will attune yourself to the increasing warmth and illumination of the Sun. Each candle represents a month. Begin lighting the candles one by one starting in the center of the spiral. As you light each candle say aloud the name of the month, and consider it's attributes. Continue until all the spiral candles are lit. Take some time to meditate on the coming months, think about all you wish to accomplish, and all the blessings and lessons you may experience in the coming year.
When you are finished, begin to Open the Circle.
Move to the North and say:
Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, may there be peace between us now and always. Blessed Be.
Using your Wand, pull down the tower of light which was erected when the North was called.
Move to the West and say:
Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, may there be peace between us now and always.
Blessed Be.Using your Wand, pull down the tower of light which was erected when the West was called.
Move to the South and say:
Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, may there be peace between us now and always. Blessed Be.
Using your Wand, pull down the tower of light which was erected when the South was called.
Move to the East and say:
Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, may there be peace between us now and always. Blessed Be.
Using your Wand, pull down the tower of light which was erected when the East was called.
Open the Circle. Begin in the East. With your Atame pointing towards the Eastern Quarter begin walking widdershins (counterclockwise) around the Circle three tines, imagining the barrier of light dissappearing, and returning back into the tip of your Athame.
Say: May the Circle be Open, but never Broken. Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!
Rowan Morgana
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